Winter 2015 Newsletter Published

Click Here to download – Winter 2015 GSS News Winter
The Landing Day meeting on March 14 begins another year of the Society. We will elect a set of officers and a new slate of board members. But most importantly it is our next opportunity to meet together for common fellowship, fulfilling the purpose of the society’s goals, honoring our ancestor’s intent in founding the society, learning more of our documented history, and worshiping
together at Jerusalem. This will be the 281st celebration of landing at Ebenezer. Our program is on the status of Kennesaw student and staff projects. We are very fortunate to have access to distinguished people such as our speaker Dr. Sabine Smith and services of researchers Christine Koch and Joann Trodahl. Stay tuned as more information will follow on these endeavors as well as the translations of the Bergman Letters.
This year provided very successful collaborations with the GSS Society, Jerusalem Church and the Retreat Center. We look forward to continuing these relationships. Also occurring was new effort through the Teutonic Council to unite efforts of the Georgia Salzburger Society, German Heritage Society and the German Friendly Society in Savannah with the local German Honorary Consul to socialize together on German Unity Day with a celebration of food and beverages. An additional challenge going forward is to examine methods to capitalize on the relationship with sister city Halle, Germany, home of the Franke foundation discussed at our Heritage Day Meeting.
Many new members have joined this past year as well as renewal of past memberships. This is very exciting and necessary to promote our charter a good start to improved health of our organization. I look forward to getting many more to actively participate in the society.
We thank you for your support of the society with both talents and monetary gifts and encourage your participation in the committees and fellowship provided through the society. I also encourage you to email suggestions to improve our communications and look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Gary Nizzi