Winter 2016 Newsletter Published

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The celebration of Heritage Day on September 7th had more children and adults than I can remember in
attendance. It was certainly one of our largest in attendance ever. Nothing brings more pride than having groups of people celebrating, observing and learning about our ancestors. I most enjoyed all the children having such a great time. It reminded me of when I was young with all my friends running all over the grounds, through the cemeteries, woods and wherever we could go. If you were not able to attend you missed a great get-together. The brief service was really moving with two homilies presenting perspectives on our ancestor’s grit and determination. This included an observance of how Christian persecution is happening in the Middle East (Syria region) today. A revelation of how an entire church body was murdered except for the minister who continues to serve (he refuses to leave). So many are fleeing due to persecution for worshiping Christ – sound familiar? This was followed by our program centered by Dr. Russell Kleckley observing many items in the Bergman Letter Translations occurring through the American Revolution. It was riveting and included several “ticklers” with much more to be revealed when published.
I thank you for your efforts in getting more of our descendants to join the society which is helping to document more of our heritage for our children and everyone in general. I recently had a discussion with a gentleman who filed paperwork (approximately 76 pages) for membership in the Sons of the American Revolution and now intends to join the Georgia Salzburger Society (not as many pages). He is equally proud of all the achievements of our ancestors. We need members, friends, etc. to help improve our society and welcome everyone.
Once again I thank Jerusalem Lutheran Church and the Retreat Center for use of facilities and all the people that helped make this year’s celebration so good through donations of tents, time and talent. The food was great, the exhibits, crafts, wares, stories, education, etc. I think my great-grandfather and the other founders of the society would be proud of our progress toward their goals. This era is crucial and we have a window of opportunity to improve on society accomplishments. I worry that with each generation we are losing some contact (just as the founders did), so we need to document and update information for our heirs and everyone else. The project for educators to take part in an exchange program in our sister city of Halle is still progressing. Please contact us
or your local board of education for more information on this endeavor.
We continue to thank you for your support of the society with both talents and monetary gifts. Remember to put March 12th on your calendar to attend the Landing Day celebration. Continue to email suggestions to improve our communications and I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.
Gary Nizzi