Summer 2016 – July Newsletter

Click here to view or download a pdf of the Summer 2016 – July Newsletter
Greetings to all,
I am fresh off the ship (airplane) from a visit to Germany to stand where
our ancestors Jerusalem Congregation was founded in Augsburg and the
most gracious Franke Foundation. The trip was fantastic and I wish
you all could have attended. We are putting together a powerpoint type
program in the future for all of those with questions.
I want to thank all of those who attended the Landing Day
Meeting. There was not as many people this year as in the past and
that meant more of the chicken rice soup served by the WELCA ladies
of Jerusalem for me to eat. You really missed a treat as it was really,
really good. The soup is a good addition to have a quick easy lunch
before the meeting that I hope becomes a tradition. If our ancestors
first soup meal was as tasty as ours I can understand why they stayed.
As an update on the Georgia History Core Standards, we were
successful in getting the word “Salzburgers” back in for now. It is amaz-
ing how one word can have so much impact on our children’s education
for what is taught as a standard and what isn’t.
Another note on our society’s financial health. We have had
more people join or rejoin as members and for that I thank you. This
balances our losses of all those dear members who have passed away
during this last year. So our net total is up a small amount. We are still
running a negative balance to meet our budget needed for each year. To
make things balance, we used funds from our endowment investment
gains. We need to approach a more fiscally prudent budget in the near
future if our donations to the yearly budget do not improve. A small
gift of $10-$20 from each member (life especially as our membership is
currently 80-90% life members) would make the difference between
doing well or being severely restricted in our programs. So if you are
able, please make a small donation toward keeping the society healthy.
Simultaneously, we are trying to boost the income from the “Life fund”
(where the life membership funds are invested). The constraints on this
fund when originally set up restrict investments to bonds, CDs, etc. that
are very sound. Today these investments have very low yields or
returns – look at your bank savings returns as an example. This is what
has lowered the Society’s funding since approximately 2009. This is
why we are cutting expenses while asking for donations to get us
through this investment period and on sound financial footing.
We have a great program planned for Heritage Day on
September 5th. Please bring all your neighbors and children. See you
Thank you for allowing me to serve you,
Gary Nizzi