The Georgia Salzburger Society’s (GSS) Loest Library will be open for reseachers for extra hours during Labor Day Weekend:
• Saturday, the 3rd of September, regular research hours of 3 PM to 5 PM (earlier hours by appointment), with an emphasis on genealogy and applications for GSS membership, and
• Sunday, the 4th of September, extended research hours of 1 PM to 5 PM, with an emphasis on using early primary sources.
• Monday, the 5th of September, during Heritage Day (Labor Day), the Loest Library will be available for viewing only (no Librarian will be available for research) during approximately 9:30-10:45 AM, and then 1-5 PM.
The Loest Library is located upstairs in the Georgia Salzburger Society Museum.
Between now and Labor Day Weekend, the Library will be open for researchers during its regular hours on:
• Saturday, the 20th of August 2016, 3-5 PM
• Saturday, the 27th of August 2016, 3-5 PM
We suggest that local researchers (in Effingham County and nearby) take advantage of the remaining August hours on those two Saturdays, the 20th and 27th of August.
Given that many out-of-town Salzburger descendants and friends journey to our area for overnight stays during Labor Day weekend, we encourage that researchers among those visitors take advantage of the extra hours that the Library will be open during Saturday the 3rd and Sunday the 4th of September. Further, because of limited seating in the library, we suggest that researchers contact the Library Staff (through the GSS Office at 912-754-7001, or directly with our Librarian, Barbara Rahn Scott, at 912-660-1786) to reserve spaces during those special hours on 3rd & 4th of September.
—We invite researchers to take advantage of our regular hours as well as these extra hours for LIBRARY research, and
—We invite all visitors to take advantage of the extra opening hours for touring the MUSEUM and shopping the Special Sales in the Museum Shop (Marktplatz).
A Note about the MUSEUM: The remaining regular Museum Hours in August and during Labor Day weekend are 3-5 PM on Wednesdays, Saturday and Sundays:
• 17, 20 & 21 August
• 24, 27 & 28 August
• 31 August, 3 & 4 September
Additionally, we will have extended Museum hours on
• Sunday, the 4th of September; the GSS Museum will be open from 1-5 PM, and
• Monday, the 5th of September during Heritage Day (Labor Day) approximately 9:30-10:45 AM & 1-5 PM
The Museum’s special sales will continue during these times; additionaly, Georgia Salzburger Society Members can take a 10% discount on other shop purchases.