Fall 2016 – November Newsletter

Click here to view or download a pdf of the Fall 2016 – November Newsletter
Greetings to all,
I want to thank all of those who attended Heritage Day. Attendance was very large again this year continuing a large popularity trend for the past few years. We enjoy seeing so many people visit for our program, fellowship, food, lemonade and music. The school invitation program is working very well by observing all the young ones running everywhere with a quick stop to play games, eat peach fritters, raisin bread, etc. If you were unable to attend this year, please put (Landing Day) March 11, 2017, and (Heritage Day) September 4, 2017, on your schedule. We changed the meeting format to shorten the time you spend sitting in the wooden pews. The church service is brief but appropriate, the meeting centers around the speaker. Question and answers after adjournment is accomplished “conference style” with a poster session on each area (Museum, Property, Loest Library, grants, publishing, etc.) I think we set a new record for a one-hour total worship/meeting time. An accomplishment as we are known to talk, talk a while, and then some more… making sure all subjects are covered.
This fall we once again hope to see you at German-American Day on October 4 at Orleans Square in Savannah, GA. This is a product of the three society’s Teutonic Council – sponsored by the German Heritage Society and the German Friendly Society and the Georgia Salzburger Society.
In addition to many others, the donations to our Property/HVAC needs by the Hardman & Wilkins/Sykes families helped satisfy our HVAC needs. Please continue to contribute toward the Property/facilities as the Salzburger Haus repairs are next. One person noted to me that it wasn’t sexy, but very foundational and they understood the importance of facilities upkeep. Please read our updated Property Needs list in this newsletter. Our next meeting will be Landing Day for some good hearty soup, fellowship, and updates.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you,
Gary Nizzi