Fall Newletter 2018

Homemade lemonade, a Salzburger tradition, made with only lemons, sugar, and water and these are the men who made it.
The Salzburger Heritage Day Festival on Labor Day was a wonderful event this year. There were so many activities for the young and old. The family tents were a great way to meet and greet new relatives and share stories. The lemonade was awesome and taste so good and was free, “what a deal”. The church service and Margaret Waters who spoke on DNA as a tool for genealogy research, was a special highlight of the festival. Later in the day she held a workshop for persons interested in more in-depth aspects of DNA. The church service is always at 11:00 AM. So make a note for this to be your #1 thing to do next year. The old Salzburger farm house is worth taking a tour of, along with seeing the fabulous prints of the Salzburger exile on display in the parsonage. No matter what your taste in food is, you can find anything from Bratwursts, BBQ, cakes, cookies, candy, and raisin bread. The smells of cane syrup cooking or fresh bread baking in a clay oven were wonderful as well as taking a bottle of syrup or loaf home.
The festival was a great treat for the visitors as they learned about the Salzburger heritage that we all share.
~ Diane Holder
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