President’s Message Fall 2018

President’s Message
The GSS is making great strides toward positive directions and as the new president of GSS, I am thankful for this opportunity to help lead our membership forward in achieving the Goals of the GA Salzburger Society.
I appreciate the responsibility recently entrusted to me as president and I am working to the best of my abilities to help ensure that the GSS remains visible and relevant into the future.
The most recent opportunity for visibility and relevance was the Salzburger MarketPlatz style booth set up at the German American Day Festival on September 29th in Savannah, GA. We had an impressive group of Salzburgers participating. Debra Herrin had the membership applications and “Red Books” there for interested attendees….and yes, a few people did join that day and others took home the applications to complete. See more details and photos at Facebook. Please, “Like” something about the GAD festival…..and write comments.
Each of us can contribute something to become a part of keeping the GSS history visible and relevant in the modern community by maintaining the heritage and traditions of our families. If you would like to share something about your family heritage and traditions, please consider writing something for a future GSS Newsletter. Claudia Christainsen