German – American Day 2018

Oom-pah-pa! Oom-pah-pa! The lively strains of authentic German music filled the ballroom at the Savannah Desoto Hotel as German families and friends gathered to enjoy German American Day. On Saturday, Sept. 29, 2018, the Teutonic Council sponsored a German Heritage Festival full of fellowship, education, and entertainment. The event was well received as everyone enjoyed various aspects of the German culture. German food and drinks allowed all to meet and greet while various entertainers kept the crowd engaged with the Oom-pah-pa band, soloists, and students from Garrison Elementary and Savannah Children’s choir, performed selections from the “Hansel and Gretel” opera.
Several booths invited visitors to learn more about the culture and contributions of Germany to our American society. The booths included salt from the mines of Halle, German history here in Georgia, the German culture, and activities for children. Several folks from Halle were there to impart first-hand knowledge and experiences.
While this event is a tradition, this was a first for an indoor event. A beautiful room allowed for music, entertainment, and hot dishes with a German flare. Bigger and better things are ahead. So get your Lederhosen ready for German-American Day 2019! ~Ruth Kessler Dostal