Winter Newsletter 2020

President’s Message 2020
Beginning a new decade is a new opportunity to expand the many important features of the Salzburger story. The first activity at Ebenezer for 2020 was the annual Super Museum Sunday, the day set aside by Georgia Historical Society to encourage visitation to various museums throughout the state of Georgia. The museum sites are free that day in order to give everyone access regardless of their budget. The GSS feature exhibit this year was the history of aprons. There were about 25 antique and vintage aprons from before 1950 on display.
Did you know that Bethany was once a thriving farming community with families, a church and a school? Nothing remains now but the well-kept cemetery. It is located on private land and the owners have graciously given GSS access to the site for the occasion of Landing Day 2020.
The guided tour, led by Norman Turner, is the second cemetery tour opportunity we have had recently. The Salzburger story has many facets, including respect for our ancestors and preserving their resting places in the locations near Ebenezer.
Many new and exciting ideas are being developed to maintain the history of Salzburgers in Georgia. The next one will be joining Georgia Grown, a designation program promoting the history and connection to agriculture by products grown in Georgia. GSS will be included because of the history of Salzburgers being the first innovative and hardworking farmers in Georgia. We will bring focus to the history of agriculture at Ebenezer and throughout Effingham County as the colony grew. More news on this after we meet with the state level organizers on 2/18/20. csc