Heritage Day Update 2020

All GSS Membership, Friends and Family,
Due to the ongoing issues with the Covid 19 outbreak, the GSS Board has met and determined that there is no feasible way to hold the Heritage Day Festival on Labor Day 2020. The Governor’s guidelines in regard to crowd size, distancing, and the like simply make such an event nonfeasible at this time. We also have a number of volunteers who usually assist at different stations at the festival, many of whom are over the age of 65 and have indicated they do not wish to attend this year due to health concerns.
As such, after much deliberation and discussion, it was determined that the festival, instead of being cancelled, will be deferred and rescheduled to coincide with the March 13, 2021, Landing Day Meeting. The poster contest will also be deferred until that time.
If plans change in regard to the planned March 13, 2021 event, we will keep membership posted in that regard as well.
Noble Boykin
Vice President and Chair of the 2020 Labor Day Committee