Winter Newsletter 2021

2021 Winter Newsletter Download
Message from the President:
As president of GSS, my role of leadership has been stretched in various directions during recent months. My goal is to be positive and pull things together in a productive way when challenges arise. Please celebrate with me! GSS has much to be thankful for at this time, as we continue adding to the Salzburger story. The first major accomplishment of 2021 is completing the first phase of repairs on the old Fail House. We would like to compliment Greg Jacobs and his crew for their diligence and attention to detail as they completed the job in a timely manner. Thanks to members who stopped by to encourage the workers and take photos of the progress. A huge thank you to Patsy and Gill Zeigler for rearranging their plans to bring lunch to the construction crew on their last day of work on the Fail House. The workers were very surprised and grateful for the unexpected invitation to meet a few board members and enjoy the luncheon treat. Hospitality is always in style and a good way to show gratitude for work done beyond the basic expectation.
Working on the Fail House
Appreciation is given to the research committee for creating a file on the Fail House to keep a record of the history and updates done on the repairs, beginning with the stabilization of footings and leveling the structure. More details will be provided through the committee reports. We will get an estimate for the next phase of repairs within the next week. Members are being asked to contribute information, stories, and photos as the committee continues adding to the file.
Much appreciation to Jennifer Nash, GSS office administrator, for keeping things moving smoothly during the increased activity around the work being done at Ebenezer. Special thanks to Jennifer for using her archaeology degree to survey and record artifacts found while digging for the footings under the house. Remember to look at for updates and photos.
Please share the good news with others as we strive to maintain our historic buildings and grounds, by showing that we are actively preserving our history.
Allen Kieffer deserves recognition for his generous donations of time, skills and knowledge used to construct the beautifully crafted memorial pavilion. Much appreciation is due to the family of Dan Wilson, Jr. for their lasting memorial for his love of Salzburger history and heritage. Thank you to all who have contributed to the pavilion project, including helping plan, taking photos, and donating funds towards the completion of amenities yet to be added to the basic structure. Further donations will be used to purchase tables, benches, fans, water and electrical installation and for the memorial plaque. Please continue to promote membership and to volunteer on committees. Your efforts help us keep GSS visible and viable in the community and recognized as an important part of Georgia history. Last, but of major importance, please thank the GSS board for keeping the organization’s momentum going throughout the challenges of shut downs and pandemic protocols. ~CSC