Spring Newsletter 2021

President’s Message
Spring at Ebenezer has been very busy. Being careful and cautious about crowding, but not staying home, a variety of volunteers have proceeded with projects at Ebenezer and achieved many things of importance. You will read more about them in this newsletter.
The first interesting thing we did after Landing Day was to hold an orientation meeting for new members of the GSS board. This meeting provided opportunities to chat, express ideas and opinions as well as help plan for the coming year.
We reviewed and updated the responsibilities of various committees and gave everyone a chance to decide which committee best suited their talents. Everyone felt that the time was well spent and left feeling that they knew each other better than ever. I must mention that good food, the lovely setting, ease of parking and central location of the restaurant contributed much to the enjoyment of this experience! Thanks to former GSS board secretary, Linda Brannen for her expert help with planning.
We tend to take things at Ebenezer for granted. It has just been there for us for so long! There are many things that are now in need of replacement or repair. Equipment purchased during the 90’s has served us well and is now running the power bills up excessively. The building and grounds committee is exploring options based on evaluations from GA Power and professional service technicians. Of course, the unpleasant part of the discussion falls back to costs and budgeting for replacements and repair bills.
Because the GSS operates only on memberships and donations, we will be providing updates on needs in the near future. If you have special interests and talents with the areas of technology, repair, research or landscaping, consider calling the office to volunteer your help. Since we are now conducting meetings at times by internet, you can join a committee without actually being present. The distance to Ebenezer is not the factor it once was.
Please know that the generous contributions and membership updates have been appreciated and are a valuable part of our progress that you will read about in this edition. Many people have sent generous donations with a note to use it for a certain thing such as repairs to the Fail house, power bills, furnishing the new pavilion , buying a new refrigerator for the parsonage building, or helping with postage for newsletters.
It is our honor and responsibility to maintain the Ebenezer historic site and preserve the artifacts representing the GA Salzburger heritage. Without your thoughtful contribution, we could not be vigilant with our proceedings. Many thanks to all who are interested and involved.