Winter Newsletter 2022

Landing Day Speaker for 2022
Our speaker for Landing Day, March 12, 2022, will be Arlin C. Migliazzo, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of History at Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington. Professor Migliazzo taught history at Whitworth College for more than thirty years where he was also department chair, specializing in modern American history and the colonial South. Professor Migliazzo is the author of the book, To Make This Land Our Own: Community, Identity, and Cultural Adaptation in Purrysburg Township, South Carolina, 1732-1865, published 2007.
Dr. Migliazzo’s talk will focus on the Purrysburg settlement on the Savannah River in South Carolina and its close connection with the settlement at Ebenezer. A number of families who lived in Ebenezer had initially settled at Purrysburg and then later migrated to Ebenezer as the settlement of Purrysburg declined.

If you have ever been interested in learning more about the settlement at Purrysburg, the Swiss Huguenots who settled there, and its connections to Ebenezer, this lecture will be of special interest.
Dr. Migliazzo has been awarded numerous grants from organizations including the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Fulbright Commission. He holds an M.A. from Northern Arizona University and a Ph.D. from Washington State University. Dr. Migliazzo is a former Fulbright/Hays Scholar in American Studies and the editor of Teaching as an Act of Faith: Theory and Practice in Church-Related Higher Education, and Lands of True and Certain Bounty: The Geographical Theories and Colonization Strategies of Jean Pierre Purry.
Dr. Migliazzo’s book will be for sale in the museum gift shop on Landing Day.
~ Noble Boykin, Jr. – GSS Vice President