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The Birthplace of Effingham County

Ga History Standards Update on Salzburgers







The Salzburger history was added back to the standards for Georgia History on May 5, 2016. The standards will be posted for 30 days untilJune 3 and presented to the State Board of Education for adoption on June 9, 2016.  See reference memo at the end.

Below is the link of the proposed changes, ours is on page 53, SS8H2, part c.  I have copied it below to save you time, but you can peruse the rest of the updates using the link below.

Analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history.

  1. Explain the importance of the Charter of 1732, including the reasons for settlement (philanthropy, economics, and defense).
  2. Analyze the relationship between James Oglethorpe, Tomochichi, and Mary Musgrove in establishing the city of Savannah at Yamacraw Bluff.
  3. Evaluate the role of diverse groups (Jews, Salzburgers, Highland Scots, and Malcontents) settling Georgia during the Trustee Period. 
  4. Explain the transition of Georgia into a royal colony with regard to land ownership, slavery, alcohol, and government.
  5. Give examples of the kinds of goods and services produced and traded in colonial Georgia


If you still want to add other items to the last survey, please use this link

and add your comments to the Draft committee.  This will be the last before final approval.


Thank you for your support,

Gary Nizzi


Georgia Salzburger Society