Spring-Summer 2017 Newsletter

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Rev.Dr. Kirk Bridgers to speak on 500 years of the reformation and its impact upon the Salzburgers.
The Georgia Salzburger Society is honored to welcome Rev. Dr. Kirk Bridgers as our featured speaker for the Heritage Day Program on Labor Day, September 4, 2017. A graduate of Newberry College and the Southern Seminary, Rev. Bridgers is a direct descendant of Georgia Salzburgers, Matthias Seckinger and Casper Waldhauer. He is a valued member of the Georgia Salzburger Society and Past President of the Greater Atlanta Chapter of GSS.
Georgia Salzburger Society’s 2016 Heritage Trip
This article is to tell you about the most wonderful and moving trip to the Francke Foundations celebration from March 24-26, 2017. I represented the GSS for this celebration. This is part of a series of events during the year celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation due to the efforts of Martin Luther and many others.
Landings Day Celebration….March 11, 2017
Large crowd enjoyed a wonderful day celebrating the landing of our fore fathers (First Transport of Salzburgers). Dr. Candace Rausch, a Georgia Salzburger Society/Greater Atlanta Chapter board member presented a program highlighting the events of the recent Georgia Salzburger Society trip to Germany. Prior to the meeting all enjoyed a delightful lunch in the church fellowship hall featuring the popular “good ole rice soup” (was served to the Salzburgers on the morning after arrival). (Photos from Landings Day 2017).