Fall 2017 Newsletter

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If you missed our 2017 Heritage Day Celebration you missed a Grand Event. VP Claudia Christensen and her crew did a fantastic job creating the Event. Only positive comments were given by those present. The hit of the activities was the demonstration by the Revolutionary War Reenactors. They had the youth and many adults marching around shouldering muskets and then demonstrating musket–firing during a mock battle. Many youths were repeat customers. It has been strongly requested that they be invited to return.
The Church was nearly full for the Service Program. Thanks to Reverend Plonk for leading an inspiring service. Then, Reverend Bridgers presented an excellent program on the Reformation and its Impact on Salzburgers over the 500t years since the Reformation. He tied all parts together well. An attendee recorded this program, and agreed to provide a copy, when available.
Other matters: Needed maintenance on the Old Salzburger House has begun. The Board of Directors has authorized the first $5,000 to cover expenses in the first phase.
Allen Kieffer’s crew did an excellent job in preparing the structure, as did Patsy Zeigler’s crew in cleaning and straightening the interior for Heritage Day.
Our current membership is 1,200 Life, as well as 600+ Regular and Associate Honorary Mem-bers. Confirming the number of Life Members can be difficult, as often families fail to notify the GSS Office of their relatives passing. Please let us know so that we may share in your loss.
The longevity of our Society depends on the pride of ownership passed down to the younger generations. As I look around, I see that a large number of active members who are advancing in age; like me. We need more of the younger generation to become actively involved. This will happen only through our encourage-ment., such as I am doing with my grandchildren now. How about you?
Your servant—Henry Mingledorff
Labor Day 2018
Claudia Christiansen
A huge thank you to all who contributed their time, talents, energy, and other support to making this 2017 Heritage Day Festival a memorable success. Thanks to all who attended the festival enjoying the fun, fellowship, good food, and a variety of activities throughout the day.
Some of the favorite things this time included noted Reformation program speaker, Reverend Doctor Kirk Bridgers; the Revolutionary War soldier reenactments marching around the grounds; tasting German Food and the fresh boiled peanuts! The yearly favorites -lemonade made in the old wooden barrel, and homemade Raisin Bread with hand-churned butter, and, of course, the amazing cane grinding and cooking syrup!
Past Notes From the Registrar
Debra S. Herrin
I am happy to say that from May 2016 through Feb 2017, we gained 73 new GSS members. At our board meeting on 2 May 2017, twelve additional memberships were approved, totaling 85. If you are interested in attaining membership, and/or in need of assistance, please call me at (912)-657- 5675. I am always willing to assist anyone wanting to join our Society. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sandra Wingate for her vital assistance at the membership table, during the ”Olde Effingham Day Festival” in Springfield, on 22 Apr 2017. Even in the sizzling heat, we had a great time. In November, Membership Certificates were incorrectly issued to Gary Michael Nizzi, Jr. and Matthew Harold Nizzi, identifying them as descendants of Melchior Oechsle. Those certificates have been reissued, with the immigrant ancestor’s name corrected as Christian Oechslin. One of our main charges as a member of the Georgia Salzburger Society is to perpetuate the memory of our early ancestors, so please contact when mistakes, such as this, have been made. I can then promptly and gladly make necessary corrections.