Posted on Mar 8, 2019 in news
The annual Landing Day celebration is an important part of Salzburger History. Among the many reasons of importance, we recognize this opportunity to praise God for the unending plans and blessings He has granted throughout the years. From the very beginning of the Salzburgers’ exile and settlement in Georgia, the Salzburgers have taken time for worship and praise to God.
Landing Day at Ebenezer is our reminder to stop and set aside some time to remember, to honor and to appreciate those who have built the beginnings of our Georgia Salzburger heritage that we know today.
The first Annual Meeting of the Georgia Salzburger Society was held on March 12th, 1926 (March 12th, being the Anniversary of the arrival in 1734 of the Salzburgers in Georgia). The meeting was held at the Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ebenezer.
Richard L. Gnann, D.D.S., was elected the first permanent president of the Georgia Salzburger Society. Other officers were: Vice President—Harvey Seckinger; Secretary—Julian H. Shearouse; Treasurer—William G. Gnann. Serving as members of the Executive
Board Committee were: C. Bowers Gnann, Blois Ziegler, George Rahn, John W. Reiser, Joshua A Helmly, Maude Arden, Gidean Seckinger, Susie Gnann and B. Cubbedge.”
Click on link below to see Spring Newsletter 2019
SpringNewsletter 2019 WB